Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Journey (+ spoken word video)

*This is a poem that I did as part of a tag I received on youtube. The tag is called "Loc Star Poetry", and it was a lot of fun particpating. I made a video response to the tag today and I hope that you check it out below :-)*

As I travel to the land of my locs
the texture consumes me,
from root to tip is a precious journey, with a foundation
built with courage, strength, liberation and love...
and naysayers watch me,
negativity caught in the back of their throats, ready to spit
but I dare them to cough up their lyes....
to know my locs is to know me,
the natural pryncess that I have become
finally flying, overlooking the stereotypes that use to weigh me down
finally giving birth to a freedom that i never knew could exist in me
finally outside of a box that became too cramped up with synthetics,
finally...being true to myself.
and the journey to loc'dom continues, and I shall remain the one who's driving...

Pryncess Poetiq, 2010.